I’ll be at the Gurtenfestival 2005

The Amazing Gurtenfestival 2005 logo Today Stéphanie and I will go to Berne (hmm… I’ve always just written “Bern”, using the Swiss-German name, but I think the correct English name for the city is “Berne”. Please correct me if I’m wrong.) to the Gurtenfestival. We’ll be there together with Barbara and Enzo, Stéphanie’s sister and her fiance.

Berne seen from Gurten It’s going to be great I’m sure! Gurten is a small hill just outside Berne with a big park area and I’ve been there once before with Stéphanie on my first visit in Switzerland. You can see Berne from Gurten on the image to the right.

The Gurten park Back then we enjoyed a nice quiet afternoon walking in the big park — I doubt that there will be anything quiet about it this afternoon when the nice, lovely park has been transferred into a big roaring rock, hip-hop, and pop stage! :-) I’ll report on it when I get back home and will post some images.


  1. Din Skat:

    Hej skat

    Glaeder mig til festivalet… og haaber at det ikke begynder med at regne… grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ;)


  2. Martin Geisler:

    Åh åh… det er lige begyndt at regne her i Buchs :-( Men måske regner det ikke i Bern — det ligger jo lidt væk herfra. Men så længe det er varm er det jo også meget hyggeligt med regnvejr! :-)

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