Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category.

Cool, I’ll be a TA again!

Accourding to several more or less reliable sources, I’m once more going to be a teaching assistant in the course on security (Sikkerhed in Danish). I guess there’s also an email hiding for me somewhere to confirm it, but now that I have the planet as my all-imcompassing source of news, why bother checking?

Being a TA is very cool — you get to talk for hours about stuff that interest you, and you get paid for it even! So I liked being a teaching assistant, and I hope my students liked it as well :-)

Yay, I won!

... and I did it! I did it! :-)

Thomas made a cool little quiz where you had to guess what kind of food he was making, and I happened to guess correctly — he made the good old Danish dish of meat balls, called frikadeller by us Danes. Great idea — when’s the next quiz Thomas?

Planet DAIMI is online

Planet Planet! logo Using the very nice [Python][] script Planet Planet! I have now made one for myself and my friends: As the name suggests, it aggregates the news feeds of my friends from [DAIMI][].

Simple and fun! :-)

Update: I’ve tweaked the [CSS][] a bit to produce margins for the post content — and thus to avoid having the faces collide with any right-aligned images you guys post yourself. Let me know of if you use any fancy CSS classes that you would like me to add…

Now also with camels?

I logged into [DAIMI][] today using the usual DNS alias This alias is points to the most “fresh” machine out of a number of machines named horse01 … and counting upwards.

Now the sys admins have apparently grown tired of the horses and have switched to camels, for I was logged into camel04 :-) I love this idea of such an alias!

At the [ETH][] things are much more chaotic — the two times I’ve had to log into the network from home I had to search for a long time to find the name of a suitable host! I couldn’t find it on any of the official ETH pages — in the end I found a working hostname somewhere in an exercise sheet for some course in distributed systems.

Exam dates — Winter Semester 2006

Before I can get back home and begin my Ph.D. I have to make some exams here at the [ETH][]… The plan is as follows:

Course Date Time Type
Formal Methods for Information Security 7/2 15–17 Written
Randomisierte Algorithmen 13/2 9–12 Written
Formal Verification 17/2 10:00 Oral
Verteilte Algorithmen 20/2 14:15 Oral
Decision Procedures for Logical Theories 23/2 10:00 Oral
Web Algorithms 3/3 ? Oral

I will then leave for Denmark at the very beginning of March.