Cleaning, moving…

I’ve begun cleaning my room so that I can move out Monday morning. And I must say that I’ve been into some dark corners in my bathroom, corners I didn’t even know I had! But apparently the spiders and general cruft knew about them… :-)

The plan is to pack up the rest of my stuff and clean my room today and tomorrow. Monday morning I’ll hand over the keys to Bjarne, the janitor, and then Stéphanie and I will drive to Aalborg to my parents house. There we will pack the car with the stuff that I want to bring with me to Switzerland, and the next morning we will begin the adventure.

My dad has voluntered to drive me and Stéphanie back, and by driving all day we hope to be able to make it to Aarau late in the evening.

I don’t know how long it will take before I get back online, but don’t expect too much in the first couple of weeks. I’ll be doing an intensive German couse the first ten days, and after that I start at ETH Zürich.

So this is finally it — I’m going to Switzerland! It has been planned now for many months, but it is only now that I’m beginning to realize that I’ll be going away real soon now. It’s nice that I’m finally going, for the last couple of months have had a sort of “temporary” feel to them. I look forward to spending an entire year in Switzerland — that’s pretty long time, long enough to become settled and get a daily life.

Of course Stéphanie and I will have to solve the “international puzzle” again after the year is over, but right now I just cannot wait for my new life to start!


  1. Max:

    Mmm intensive German. Meine Freundin is deutscherin, also es ist eine gute ausrede, Deutsch zu lernen :-)

    Aber Schwitzerdeutsch ist eine ganz verschiedene Sprache!

  2. Martin:

    Ja, es ist ein besonderes Sprache! Aber nach ein par Woche in die Schweiz konnte ich ein bischen Dialect verstehen, so es ist nich so schlect… And I’m taking most of my courses in English, so the language shouldn’t be a problem there at least.

  3. Geisler Online » Blog Archive » So much stuff!:

    [...] unpacking some more of my stuff — I can hardly find room for all my clothes! My dad drove me here so we just stuffed the car with all my belongings. I did manage to throw away some [...]

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