Living in The Information Age…

A evonax O' pep pizza slice We hear so much about how we’re living in the an Information Society these days… To help that become a reality, I’ve just ordered two pizzas online from for myself and Camilla. It’s really easy: you can either select a pizza from their menu, or you can compose your own pizza — I’ve now made “My Pizza | Martin” with my favorite ingredients, very cool! You order and pay the pizza online, and then you only have to go to your door to pick it up when it arrives.

I’ve now had my pizza and both I and Camilla Johnsen agree that the pizzas were a little boring. Mine tasted fine, but it was not as warm as it could have been, and it would also have benefitted from a stronger taste. Camilla said that hers didn’t taste of anything… The conclusion is, that we might as well order our pizzas from the local pizzaria next time. They can make two good pizzas in 15–20 minutes compared to 45 minutes for evonax. It’s not as hightech, but it’s better and cheaper that way.

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