Planet DAIMI is online

Planet Planet! logo Using the very nice [Python][] script Planet Planet! I have now made one for myself and my friends: As the name suggests, it aggregates the news feeds of my friends from [DAIMI][].

Simple and fun! :-)

Update: I’ve tweaked the [CSS][] a bit to produce margins for the post content — and thus to avoid having the faces collide with any right-aligned images you guys post yourself. Let me know of if you use any fancy CSS classes that you would like me to add…


  1. Thomas’ Blog » Blog Archive » Fancy “New Media”:

    [...] Martin has created a planet aggregating the blogs of the DAIMI-crowd. I think it is a brilliant idea, mostly because it is kinda geeky. Now all you computer-science fan-girls and fan-boys have a place to crowd! [...]

  2. Thomas Mølhave:

    I have a complaint. The time in the aggregator is not in the danish timezone, and the majority of us are in that timezone! :) (look at the bottom of the planet page)

  3. Janus' Weblog:

    Blogging With WordPress For One Year!

    A year and four days ago the first post appeared on using WordPress. In the meantime the WordPress software has continued to improve - and I must say I am glad that I discontinued my own hacked solution for blogging. So, Happy Birthday J…

  4. Martin Geisler:

    Yes, you’re right, thanks! I’ve hacket Planet! a bit now and it should be allright.

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