An easy Trick…

For those of you who don’t know this: it only takes 15 minutes to make a cake, when you use one of those almost-done mixtures you can buy in supermarkets. And the best this is, that the cake tastes really good — you might be able to make a better cake by making it yourself from the bottom, but these cakes taste almost just as good, and you’ll only need to invest 15 minutes of your expensive time.

I made a chocolate cake two weeks ago. And since I’m living by myself, I could just eat it whenever I wanted — it’s really cool to be able to say to one self: “Hmm, I wonder if I have anything exciting to eat… Ahh — there’s still some cake left! I’ll just have a nice big piece of that.” I can actually smell my new cake right now — it should be done in about 10 minutes, enjoy your cakes :-)

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