404 - Not Found

Why is it that people try to grap gimpster.com with MS FrontPage? (I went to www.microsoft.com to try and find a direct link, but their search-form didn’t work. Lame…) It just won’t work — I use PHP exclusively :-) When people request a missing document, I get a mail like this:

Gimpster.com encountered a 404 Not Found!
$REQUEST_URI: /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc
$HTTP_REFERER: $REMOTE_ADDR: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
$HTTP_USER_AGENT: MSFrontPage/4.0 

The mail is generated by my “404 — Not Found” page. Every time someone makes an invalid request, I recieve a mail. It’s mostly spiders sent out from search-engines, that try to follow old links, who trigger this.

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